Friday, April 20, 2007

Off to work...

Well, I have to run to work here in about 5 minutes but wanted to give you a brief update.
Sold BIOM 350 shares at 1.40 (bought at 1.30 so we are not talking a huge profit but a GAIN nonetheless!)

Now I'm still sitting on CTLG with 2215 shares and a sell limit order in (is that what you call it?) at .95

Also, looks like K put in a buy limit order on TNRI this morning at .15 and I have not talked to him yet so not sure what that is all about and no time to investigate since I have to leave for my stupid job!!! (yes I'm thankful I have a job, yes I'm appreciative I get to job share, yes I am very lucky, blah, blah, blah!!!!)

Okay, gotta run!

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